Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Proudhon vs. Rand

Proudhon's ideas were a revolt against communism, as it created a "stupid uniformity" among men, where men are meant to be free, active, and unsubmissive.  Communism requires obedience where men are meant to exercise their free will.  Communism is commonly thought of as being progressive, however, Proudhon's idea is arguably more progressive, considering its ability to free all man of chains.  Communism creates a necessity for man to labor for the good of the community rather than according to his own will.

Rand also revolted against communism, believing that it imprisoned the individual and forced him to act as a slave to the community.  Both seemed to agree that such a government would be restrictive and suffocating.  Rand would applaud Proudhon's assertion that "communism is the exploitation of the strong by the weak."  However, Rand could not agree with the first part of the quote, that "property is the exploitation of the weak by the strong."  She argued that it was the right of the individual to be able to take ownership over their labor, and that the individual should be able to own property.

This is one difference between libertarianism and anarchism.  The libertarian advocates a small government, whereas the anarchist favors the abolishment of all government.  Rand's theory comes close to anarchism, but does nothing for the weaker in society.  She is willing to let the strong take over, based on the idea that the strong will produce more and therefore deserve more.  Proudhon doesn't seem to care as much about having so much incentive for production, but believes that it is up to the individual to find the will to produce.  This makes man freer, as it is easier for him to determine his own fate.  Rand's idea forces man to strive for property, while Proudhon seeks the abolishment of property all together.


  1. Really good point. Can I ask where the chart is from? Odd that it leaves Anarchism out of the picture and has one of its axis labelled as "authoritarian-libertarian" since many (proudhon probably included) would see Rand as an authoritarian through her protection of private property.

    1. I googled "Rand political compass" and it was the third result:
      I did try to find one with both Rand and anarchism but didn't see any. You can also go to this website and get your own ideas put on a political compass here: http://www.politicalcompass.org/

  2. I think the owning of property ties into the creation of government. So if Rand believes in small government ran by strong people, then I think she would be ok with an authoritarian government.

  3. Going off into what Proudhon and Rand think of an ideal world, if there is no strong form of government. How would people who work for their property have any way to resolve the problem of others who might be stronger from taking their property or efforts?

  4. I think with new age gentrification this has become a mass debate. There is no protection with property because at any time someone can come and take it all away.

  5. Great analysis of Proudhon and Rand and pointed out the differences between their criticism towards Communism. One similarity between those two is that they both want a shift from a society that relies on government and authority to one that relies on voluntary cooperation and individual fairness.

  6. Great point between the two. Do you think there is anything at all they would agree or could compromise on besides their dislike for communism? Which one of the two do you thing produces a more success society and why?
