Monday, December 7, 2015

As woman's rights gains more awareness in the modern world. The classic criticisms of the old and oppressive traditions are mixed with new beliefs emerging from the modern world. The idea of gender as well as family to some is now seen by many as just another means of oppression directed towards women. While the idea of a "family" has been seen as a means of oppression since the days when Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. News ideas have been added on and have been updated to better integrate with the modern world. The article also discusses how gender is a burden to the advancement of modern women's right issues. To some feminists, gender places a human into a predetermined role created by society. In these roles, women cannot escape the boundaries set in the roles they are expected to play in society. The article's main focus is discussing the different types of feminists observed in the world.

When looking at the different types of feminists and their arguments displayed in the article link displayed above. There are many similarities to the arguments seen in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Karl Marx argued against the institution of the family as it served as just another vessel to the continuation of property and succession. Marx touches less on the suffrage of women under the institution of the family set in place by bourgeois society. While what Karl Marx wrote is important, in reality to the issue of woman's rights. It simple is just some of the brick and mortar used in the construction of the federations of modern feminism we see today. Modern feminists have taken aspects of what Marx wrote and have transformed and altered it so that it can be used agains the issues seen in the modern world of today. While Marx argued for the abandonment of the family, some feminists to today wish to see the use of "gender" abolished as it simply impedes the rights and equality of woman. As the abolishment of "family" would help stop the practice of succession and property. The destruction the social construction of gender would help women break away from the restriction placed on them and expected of them. Also some feminists argue that once women are economically treated as equal can the advancement of woman's rights truly begin. While Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is influencial to aspects of the political world today, it would act as a useful part of the foundation of the advancement of woman's rights.


  1. Do you think that feminism is concerned exclusively with the rights of women?

    1. I believe that feminism are mainly concerned with achieving rights and pursuit of equality for women. But they are not exclusively concerned with just the rights of women, as some do focus on the issues
      concerning the equality for others that are mistreated due to their preferred gender. (Transsexual, pansexual, etc) Since to some feminists, these people can be mistreated in similar manners that women are.

  2. I think this is a very good point. It seems as though feminists are fighting for the abolishment of certain property and even businesses that they believe have exclusive rights for men, which certainly seems contradictory to a capitalist economy.

    1. how is it contradicting a capitalist economy if they are merely fighting for the same opportunities as men. Capitalism is based off of having an equal chance of social mobility, feminist are reinforcing that notion

  3. This is a great point, my question is, you mentioned the women's escape of the boundaries of gender role and destruction of the social construction of women. Do you believe that the real equally between gender means that women share absolutely the same burdens and obligations as men? Would this further pressure modern female harder?

  4. Do you agree with the notion that women rights can only truly behind when women are economically equal to men? How do you abolished gender without address it? For instance in making policy such as equal pay laws, you are addressing gender. Although it is positive, it is still addressing it and not getting rid of the issue. How do you think we could avoid this problem and rid our society of the gender title?
