Sunday, November 1, 2015

Power through public speech

Donald Trump is currently the leading Republican presidential candidate in the polls for the 2016 election so far. Due to his speech's to his supporters. Because of his background and current profession. Donald Trump has been able to distance himself from the stereotypes of the common politician. The best way he does this is in his public speech's. He lacks the care for maintaining political correctness in his rallies. He says what he thinks. As his supporters say "Echoing what a lot of people feel and say." This speaking style helps portray that he is not a run of the mill politician who constantly watches and corrects everything they say so that they will not loss any possible voters. And because he is open in his speech's, his supporters and the public can feel a better connection with him than other politicians.

When you compare Donald Trump's speech's to Pericles Funeral Oration, T\the argument that power can be gained through speaking becomes stronger. Both Trump and Pericles rely on the beliefs and thoughts of the people. For Pericles it was that the people of Athens were unsure of what their soldiers had died for. Pericles used this to garner support for the war. That these soldiers had died for the greater good. that their deaths were purposeful in order to protect the Athen's way of life. And by changing the publics opinion and installing a sense of patriotism. He was able to gain power to continue the war. Trump is able to gain political power and support by appealing to the public. He is able to work of the public's fear of our current foreign and economic policies. And by echoing what his supporters are thinking and confirming he believes the same things in his speeches working about staying to true to what the public thinks. He is able to garner himself more support (Power) to continue to campaign against his opponents. Because both Pericles and Trump are able to appeal to the public, they are able to maintain and gain more power through public speaking.


  1. But what Pericles was saying was in context of the time, are we supposed to acknowledge Trump's ability to slander and defame his opponents through acts of ignorance as a tool of power?

  2. Max,

    I want to second Kennedy's question here and ask another. Do you see major differences between these two speech makers? Is it possible that Pericles was also taking advantage of ignorance for his own ends?

    1. I think that while the two both use aspects of public fear to gain support. The two speeches are different. While Pericle's speech had some self interest involved. He was trying to inspire his people in a dark uncertain time for his nation. Trump on the other had is using the fear going through the United States to further his own career. But even when Pericles was trying to motivate the people. He still was trying to protect his creediability since he had advocated for the war in the first place. So Pericles was using public ignorance to save his career.

  3. Both Trump and Pericles' speeches are inspirational, effective and powerful ways for them to convey their thoughts and reach their potential goal. However, I believe there are also variations between those two speakers and their audiences plus the exact time period and background, in which the whole Athenians were facing a huge war that was determinable to their nation's future

    Do you believe that Pericle's speech is more moral than Trump's because Pericles was actually trying to use his speech as a way to motivate the soldiers and thus save his own nation, and as for Trump, he only treats his speech as a political tool?

    1. I do agree that Pericle's speech is much more moral when compared to the ones Trump has made. Pericles was trying to save his nation from defeat. But while at the same time is his trying to protect his political career at the same time while trying to motivate his nation. So while there is some self interest to pericle's speech he is not just using it as a political tool to advance his career like Trump is.

  4. These speeches are very common in all public leaders especially federal leaders. I think this is most relevant in Bush's post 9/11 speech and Iraq invasion speech.

  5. I agree with some of the previous comments in the comparison. The main difference between the two is the Trump is not appealing to the entire nation, often causing great controversy from the opposing side. Pericles is spreading to a whole and more importantly undivided nation. In addition, Pericles is speaking during a time of high stress while Trump is only speaking during a transition period that is nothing new to the American people. Furthermore, as you said Trump is leading in the polls. This means that some of his speeches, could, are quiet possibly are a conflict of interest. This is not something Pericles could be accused of given the situation and the state of the nation. What do you think public speaking should try to accomplish, and how much influence do you think it is ultimately able to yield?
